Woman sitting with cup and phone

Request a repair

Find out how to request a repair. You can do this online, through your My Peabody account or by calling us. If it’s urgent you need to call.
Hand with glove and sponge cleaning

Report damp, mould and condensation

If you're experiencing damp and mould issues in your home, please get in touch with us immediately.
Man on phone

Request to make a complaint

When the level of service we’ve provided falls short, we want you to let us know so we can make every effort to put it right.

Report antisocial behaviour

We take antisocial behaviour very seriously and won't tolerate it in any form. If you let us know we'll do all we can to tackle it.

Make a suggestion

It's important to us that we provide you with a great customer experience. If you have any suggestions, please complete the form.

Raise a concern

If you become aware of a problem concerning an adult or a child we'd like you to let us know.

Report tenancy fraud

We take illegal subletting very seriously. If you suspect a Peabody property is being illegally sublet, please contact us – anonymously if you prefer.

Third party enquiry

If you’re a third party and have a general enquiry, please get in touch with us.

Telecommunication services

Here’s where you can find information about telecommunication technology at Peabody. This includes satellite aerials, telecom masts and broadband fibre.
Couple Looking At Laptop

Subject Access Request (SAR)

Want to find out more about the information we hold about you? You can request your personal data by using the Subject Access Request (SAR).

Report a cyber security vulnerability

We take the security of our systems seriously. Find out how to report a security vulnerability within any publicly accessible Peabody website, system, application or infrastructure.

Have you been impressed by a member of our team?

If so, why not nominate them for a WOW! Award.

We encourage all our team members to demonstrate our values. They’re shared by colleagues, residents and The Board. And they bring us together with a joint focus on what matters most at Peabody.

Make a nomination now

The vast majority of our residents are positive, polite and respectful and it is only a minority that behave in a way that could be considered unreasonable.

When communication becomes unreasonable it prevents us from dealing with the issue in question and from providing a service to other residents.

View our examples of what we consider to be unreasonable