About this event 

The Engine Room Sound Laboratory is an ongoing investigation into how sounds, noise, ambience and (eco) acoustics affect the well-being and mental health of a community; using art and science to work in tandem to explore playful and significant research led-processes that will have a lasting effect on a community. 

We invite you to The Engine Room Sound Laboratory ‘Sound Festival’.

This project is led by visual artists Lisa-Marie Gibbs and Philip Newcombe and members of The Engine Room and the community up at Dee Park Estate, Reading.

We are delighted to be supported by and work with The British Science Association (BSA) and alongside researchers from The University of Reading to think about and develop the possibilities of sound within the broad arena of art and science.

Based out of Dee Park Estate in Reading, The Engine Room is an independent arts and mental health collective initiated by a group of creatives facing mental health challenges across our local communities.Our approach is to create spaces for individuals to access independent, free thinking creative experiences of quality, facilitated by artists that promote empowerment, recovery and healthy human development in a nurturing safe space across our local community.

Where: Dee Space, Thurso Close, RG30 4YH
Dates: 29/11/2024, 5 - 8 PM, and
            01/12/2024 12 - 5pm

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