Carers Talk

About this event 

• Our partner Age UK are providing a regular support group run by Islington Carers Hub: Islington Carers Hub | Supporting Unpaid Carers in Islington
• Join the active network of Islington unpaid carers – take some time for yourself and find solutions to all kinds of things related to supporting someone in Islington.
• Caring for a friend, partner or relative can be stressful, challenging and relentless. Practical, emotional and financial support is available not just for the person that they are caring for, but the carer too - all carers are legally eligible for a Carers Assessment to see if there's any support that would help them in their caring role.
• It is open to anyone (18yrs+) who is looking after a friend, partner or relative (18yrs+) who can't cope without their support* can attend. Booking is essential.

*This might be because they are older, have a health condition, a disability, mental health issue or substance or alcohol disorder. The carer or the person they are caring for needs to live in Islington.

Where: Islington Council Town Hall, Upper St, N1 2UD
Date: Tuesday 30th January
Time: 10.30am – 12:00pm

More information

For booking and more information:
Islington Carers Hub
020 7281 3319