Jubilee celebrations

The Jubilee weekend was an opportunity to socialise with friends and family, take part in community events and wish the Queen (and each other) good health and happiness.

Published: 06/06/2022

We put on a range of events and activities, to help people in our Communities and Care and Support services to celebrate the Jubilee in their own preferred way. Here are some of the highlights... 

From croquet to karaoke 

Many of our care and support customers got into the holiday spirit by hosting parties. In one specialist housing scheme for people who have a disability, our customers danced together, while elsewhere they got out the karaoke machine and did croquet in the garden.  

Some supported living residents invited their neighbours to barbeques, and others were visited by a Care Worker dressed up as the Queen.

Making memories 

Our Bells Project residents were joined by Hackney Community Library Service for an afternoon of culture and food. The library’s team brought music, books and photos from the Hackney archives, so that everyone could look back at the last 70 years - since the Queen’s coronation. The Bells Project is an extra care scheme for Afro-Caribbean people over the age of 55.

Some of our sheltered housing schemes for over 55s were also visited by a band that encourages singing as a ‘way to stay healthy, alert and happy’. They sang along to traditional hits, including: ‘Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow’, ‘Bye Bye Love’ and ‘Pretty Woman’. 

In one service, residents enjoyed a live percussion and woodwind performance in the lounge, followed by a traditional South Asian meal. They also took some photos with a cardboard cut-out of the Queen. 

John, who lives in London, said: “I remember some of the songs which I heard many years back when I was young. They brought back some past memories. I enjoyed the occasion.” 

In the community 

Kay, a Chingford Hall resident, was awarded one of our £500 community microgrants to host a Jubilee party. Over the last few weeks, she worked with our Paradox Centre team to organise an event that would bring the community together. 

Attendees took part in traditional games, including an egg-and-spoon race, face painting, and arts and crafts. There were also Tai Chi demonstrations, football coaching sessions and archery activities. Of course, we also had a BBQ and a raffle. 

A huge thank you to Kay and all the volunteers who helped make it such a great success! 

Around 400 Thamesmead residents joined our Jubilee Jamboree in Southmere. The evening’s entertainment included live music, face-painting and street theatre.

As the sun went down, Cllr Teresa O'Neill, Leader of Bexley Council, lit a commemorative jubilee community beacon outside The Nest, our community centre and library.

Meanwhile, the Knit & Natter group, who meet regularly at King Edward Community Centre, created a royal work of art with other local groups. The Queen, Prince Philip, and Susan the corgi were all featured, alongside a Jubilee Garden blanket with 600 flowers. Once the piece has toured Essex’s community centres, it will be displayed at the Happy Hub shop in Basildon.

Dancing in the pageant 

Billy, one of our Housing Support Workers, took part in the Platinum Jubilee Pageant. He represented keyworkers from across the South East in a ‘thank you dance’ recognising their hard work, commitment and dedication during the pandemic. Billy works at Devon House in Thurrock, where he supports people who have disabilities and enables them to lead full and independent lives.  

“It was an honour to be in the pageant,” said Billy. “There were over a billion people watching worldwide and I was proud to represent keyworkers from the Southeast. The pandemic presented us all with significant challenges, as many of our customers couldn’t do their usual activities. We had to be creative in exploring different ways to keep them entertained and motivated.” 

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