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Plans to transfer The Green in Southall

People outside in between two buildings

We have submitted a planning application to Ealing Council to deliver hundreds of new homes at The Green in Southall and open the area up to the community.

Published: 06/09/2021

The plans, which are being brought forward in partnership with the council, will deliver 564 low-carbon homes, including 50 per cent affordable housing, nearly a hundred new employment opportunities and space for small businesses and community groups.

Public spaces throughout the development will create a vibrant green district, opening up new local connections through this growing part of west London with outdoor areas designed to give space for a variety of community uses.

Our ambition at The Green is to continue working with the community to deliver a great place to live that has a significant positive impact locally. There will be an ongoing role for local residents and communities to be involved in shaping the future of the scheme including the non-residential uses and landscaped public areas.

The site is southwest of Southall train station and includes some of the land between Featherstone Road, Gladstone Road and The Green. The redevelopment is also a key part of the Southall Opportunity Area.

Simon Barry, Regional Development Director at Peabody, said:  “Our vision for The Green will reimagine this part of Southall, creating a new destination for the community and a place to call home for hundreds of local people.

“The Green will be for everyone, existing residents as well as newcomers, which is why we have designed our proposals to draw people into the area, connecting existing communities with active public spaces.

“We have been developing our plans since 2018, working closely alongside local residents, businesses and community groups every step of the way, and we look forward to continuing to actively engage as the Council considers our planning application.”

Shaping the future

The scheme would transform the town centre at The Green bringing much-needed investment to the public realm, creating new routes for walking and cycling, as well as increasing the number of jobs on-site.

We shared our final plans earlier this year, following which the Council is now undertaking its own formal consultation. This will give local people another opportunity to comment on the plans before the planning application is considered by the Council’s Planning Committee later this year.

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