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Peabody reveals Dagenham Green masterplan

Outdoor area with trees and people walking

We have submitted an outline planning application for a 3,500 home mixed-use development on the site of the old stamping plant in Dagenham.

Published: 29/10/2021

Plans for the scheme, called Dagenham Green, include:

  • Over 3,500 homes including 1,550 affordable homes (a mix of London Affordable Rent and London Shared Ownership) 
  • Extensive public realm and landscaping including a central 5-acre urban park 
  • New cycling, pedestrian and bus route connections linking to the wider areas and public transport
  • New local shops and restaurants 
  • Land for a new Secondary School 

A new biodiverse neighbourhood

With a focus on sustainable placemaking, a central 5-acre urban park will create a new biodiverse landscape with substantial play provision, forming part of a linked network of landscape and public realm spaces throughout the neighbourhood. 

A new diagonal route will connect from the north-east of the site down to the nearby Dagenham Dock station and will incorporate a Heritage Trail referencing different aspects of the site and local history including natural wetlands, culture, and manufacturing. 

Shops and commercial spaces will activate key spaces, catering for the core needs of residents. We will manage the neighbourhood for the long-term and look to include everyday essentials like corner shops, a health centre, places to eat and drink, a gym and potentially a nursery, with exact uses to be determined at a later stage.

Having held early consultation sessions with local people on the principles of the masterplan scheme, we now expect to launch more detailed consultation on the design of the first phase with the community later this year. Detailed planning for phase one is anticipated to be submitted in Spring 2022 before a start on site in Spring 2023.

The lead designer and master planner is PRP Architects and HTA Design are leading the landscape and public realm work. Savills are acting as Town Planning consultants with Arcadis appointed as Project & Cost Managers. Involving small-medium enterprises has also brought significant value to the team, with key involvement from Futureground (Sustainability), Beispiel (Masterplan narrative), Pitman Tozer (Phase 1 architecture), Lyndon Goode (Phase 1 architecture), Augarde Consulting (Workspace) and DN&Co (Identity & brand) amongst others.

Dick Mortimer, Peabody’s Executive Director said: “We’re excited to be working in Dagenham, engaging collaboratively with the local community, LB Barking & Dagenham, BeFirst and the GLA to bring this former industrial site back to life as an exciting new place for residents and the wider community called Dagenham Green, which Peabody will manage into the future.

“Dagenham Green’s new central park, play areas, proposed community facilities and cafes/restaurants will provide a local meeting point for everyone to use with sustainability considered throughout.”

Our five sustainable principles

Based on feedback from the local community, five sustainable principles have emerged for the new neighbourhood.

Carbon reduction, providing comfort
Reducing carbon emissions through providing cleaner energy to power these efficient, easy-to-manage and comfortable homes

Responsibly Made
Making the right choices for designs, materials, partners, and processes shaped by environmental and social responsibility

Healthy Homes
A home and community where people can lead happy, healthy and sustainable lifestyles

Place for Nature
Provide habitats for London's valuable urban ecology alongside opportunities for people to benefit from access to nature

Thriving and Inclusive
A connected and diverse place where people can fulfil their potential and contribute meaningfully to sharing their community

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