A selection of flowers

During the summer, our green-fingered staff and residents at Arthur Bliss House in Haywards Heath started growing a beautiful garden.

Published: 12/11/2021

First, they cleared the overgrown area, cutting back bushes and levelling the ground to provide better wheelchair access. Then they planted raised beds, installed water features and hung up colourful baskets of flowers. Our talented customers designed a mural for the wall and built a five star ‘bug hotel’.

Our customers got involved in the project as much or as little as they liked, and our enthusiastic staff were always happy to lend a hand.

Steve, who lives in the scheme, explained why he prefers spending time in the garden now that it’s been improved: “There are different areas in the garden, so you can be with others, or on your own if you want.”

Some of the residents, like Elaine, have even started visiting the garden for the first time. She said: “I haven’t been round here before. It’s very peaceful isn’t it?”

About Arthur Bliss House

Arthur Bliss House is an extra care supported housing scheme in Haywards Heath, Sussex. It has 24 self-contained flats for older people. Our support workers focus on making it a happy and safe place to live, where residents can live as independently as possible – which is why they suggested improving the garden.

The pandemic was an isolating time for many people, and this project has given Arthur Bliss House's residents something fun and interesting to focus on. It also brought people together, and two newer residents who met in the garden are now firm friends.

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