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Corrine Williams wins Resident Focus Award at the G15 Ethnicity in Housing Awards

Corrine Williams (1)

Community Wellbeing Coordinator, Corrine Williams, picked up her Resident Focus Award at the G15 Ethnicity in Housing Awards ceremony on Thursday 25 May. 

Published: 26/05/2023

Colleagues from across the G15 group were invited to make nominations for awards that recognise the immense contribution of ethnic minority colleagues.  

Corrine was nominated for the impactful work she has done in our local communities. From developing a new model of community wellbeing hubs, to designing for the bespoke needs of residents and wider communities, Corrine has brought our community spaces alive.  

These wellbeing spaces have led to the development of genuine partnerships supporting our residents to access advice services, mental and physical health support, financial advice, and much more. 

Speaking about her award, Corrine said, “Just being shortlisted was a fantastic feeling. I was very grateful to have been nominated at all. To win was a lovely surprise – I felt quite overwhelmed when they announced my name. 

 “It was an enjoyable evening - meeting other nominees, hearing all the great work they’re doing and how we’re all working to support our residents in any small way we can.  

“The award is encouraging and makes me want to keep striving and growing the wellbeing spaces across other Peabody communities so we can continue supporting as many of our residents as possible.” 

Well done Corrine and thank you for your continued hard work and dedication.

Read more about Corrine’s story.